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The principle and precautions of acetylene regulator

Construction and working principle
1. The body of the acetylene regulator is made of brass. It is composed of valve ejector rod, pressure regulating spring, elastic film device, decompression door and other components. The first-stage decompression system is mainly used to automatically reduce high-pressure gas to medium-pressure gas, and the pressure is reduced to 2MPa, and then sent to the second-stage decompression system. In the secondary decompression system, when the pressure regulating screw is turned, the decompression valve is opened and closed to different degrees through the pressure regulating spring, the elastic film and the valve ejector rod, so as to adjust the delivery pressure of the first decompression system. depressurize the incoming oxygen or stop the gas supply.
2. When using the acetylene regulator, when the adjusting screw is turned clockwise, the decompression valve can be pushed open, and the high-pressure gas will flow into the low-pressure chamber from the gap. Due to the expansion of the volume of the gas in the low-pressure chamber, the pressure is reduced, that is, the decompression effect.
(1) The action must be slow when the gas cylinder is deflated or the pressure reducer is opened. If the valve opening speed is too fast, the temperature of the gas in the working part of the pressure reducer will be greatly increased due to adiabatic compression, which may cause parts made of organic materials such as rubber packing, rubber film fiber liner to burn out, and cause The pressure reducer completely burned out. In addition, due to the static sparks generated by too fast deflation and the oil pollution of the pressure reducer, etc., it will also cause fire and burn the parts of the pressure reducer.
(2) Precautions before installing the pressure reducer and when opening the gas cylinder valve: before installing the pressure reducer, slightly open the gas cylinder valve to blow off dirt to prevent dust and moisture from being brought into the pressure reducer. When opening the gas cylinder valve, the gas outlet of the cylinder valve must not be aimed at the operator or others to prevent the high-pressure gas from rushing out suddenly and hurting people. The outlet of the pressure reducer and the joint of the gas rubber pipe must be tightened with annealed iron wire or clamps; to prevent the danger of disengagement after air supply.
(3) Precautions when loading and unloading the pressure reducer and working: When loading and unloading the pressure reducer, care must be taken to prevent the threaded thread of the pipe joint from slipping, so as to avoid injection due to loose screwing. During the working process, attention must be paid to observing the pressure value of the working pressure gauge. When stopping work, first loosen the pressure regulating screw of the pressure reducer, then close the cylinder valve, and slowly exhaust the gas in the pressure reducer, so that the spring and the pressure relief valve can be protected from damage. After the work is over, the pressure reducer should be removed from the gas cylinder and stored properly.
(4) The pressure reducer must be regularly checked and repaired, and the pressure gauge must be checked regularly. This is done to ensure the reliability of pressure regulation and the accuracy of pressure gauge readings. If you find that the pressure reducer has air leakage or the pressure gauge needle does not work properly during use, it should be repaired in time.
(5) Handling of pressure reducer freezing. If the pressure reducer is found to be frozen during use, thaw it with hot water or steam, and never bake it with flame or red iron. After the pressure reducer is heated, the remaining moisture must be blown off.
(6) The pressure reducer must be kept clean. The pressure reducer must not be contaminated with grease or dirt. If there is grease, it must be wiped clean before use.
(7) Pressure reducers and pressure gauges for various gases must not be used interchangeably. For example, pressure reducers used for oxygen cannot be used in acetylene, petroleum gas and other systems.