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Nozzle selection and installation

    Regarding the nozzle selection method, we describe the following 7 points for different use environments:
    (1) Regulations on type selection under different conditions of use. In actual engineering, the phenomenon of mistakes caused by improper selection of nozzles is more prominent. Nozzles of different purposes and models have different conditions of use and installation methods. Whether the type selection, installation method and orientation of the nozzle are reasonable or not will directly affect the action time and water distribution effect of the nozzle. When there is no suspended ceiling at the installation site and the water distribution pipes are arranged along the beams, the fire hot air will spread horizontally after rising to the roof. At this time, only if the vertical nozzle is installed upwards, can the hot air flow contact and heat the heat sensitive element of the nozzle as early as possible. When there is a suspended ceiling in the room, the nozzles will be placed close to the suspended ceiling or buried in the suspended ceiling, so it is suitable to use a pendant or suspended ceiling nozzle, otherwise the suspended ceiling will block the distribution of sprinkler water.
    (2) The installation height of the closed nozzle is required to meet the conditions of "making the nozzle open in time when it is heated, and making the sprinkling of the open nozzle effectively cover the fire range". If the above height is exceeded, the nozzle will not be heated and opened in time, and the sprinkling water after the nozzle is opened may not reach the expected purpose of covering the fire area, and the fire will spread outside the water spraying range, so that the system cannot effectively play the role of fire control and extinguishing.
    (3) The nozzle selection requirements of the water curtain system. The function of the fire separation water curtain is to block the spread of smoke and fire. When the water curtain forms a densely sprayed water wall, sprinkler nozzles are required; when the water curtain is formed into a densely sprayed water curtain, it is required to use downward-opening water curtain nozzles. The fire separation water curtain can also use the above two kinds of nozzles and arrange them in rows. Protective cooling water curtains require the use of water curtain nozzles that spray water on the protected object.
    (4) Quickly respond to the usage conditions of the nozzle. The use of a large number of decorative materials, household appliances and other modern daily necessities and office supplies has brought about new characteristics such as rapid spread of fire, large amount of harmful gas generation, and increased value of property loss, which has put forward higher requirements for the work efficiency of automatic sprinkler systems. requirements, use quick-response nozzles.
    (5) In order to facilitate the system to discharge the accumulated water in the channel before returning to the alert state after fire extinguishing or maintenance, and at the same time facilitate the exhaust when the system is started, it is required that the nozzles of the dry and pre-action systems adopt vertical nozzles, or dry drooping nozzles type nozzle.
    (6) To prevent adverse effects on the startup and operation of the system caused by mixing different nozzles, nozzles with consistent thermal performance, specifications and installation methods should be used in the same compartment.
    (7) When designing an automatic sprinkler system, it is required to provide the number of nozzle spares in the design documents, so that after the system is put into use, the nozzles can be replaced in time when the nozzles are damaged due to fire or other reasons, and the time for the system to return to the alert state is shortened.