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How to maintain and service Industrial Gas Pressure Regulators to extend their service life?

In order to maintain and service Industrial Gas Pressure Regulators to extend their service life, the following are some key steps and precautions:
I. Daily inspection and maintenance
Regular inspection:
Depending on the gas conditions, routine inspections should be carried out at least once a month. This includes measuring and recording the outlet pressure, cut-off pressure, and relief pressure of the regulator.
Check all connection and sealing parts of the regulator for external leakage. You can use soap solution or a leak detector to check.
Functional test:
Check whether the cut-off trip mechanism can work properly and whether it is tightly closed after cutting off.
Perform functional tests and sealing inspections on valve components to ensure that the valve can open and close smoothly and that the switch position indicator correctly displays the valve status.
II. Regular maintenance
Cleaning and maintenance:
Regularly clean and maintain the internal parts of the regulator and the pilot to remove dirt such as dust and oil stains.
Check the wearing parts such as valve port seals, balance membranes, O-rings, etc., and replace the seals that have swelled, aged, or unevenly indented in time.
Clean and maintain the inside of the cut-off mechanism and the release mechanism, and replace the worn and deformed parts.
Filter maintenance:
Check the filter pressure differential gauge. If the pressure differential is too large, the filter needs to be cleaned and the filter element needs to be replaced as needed.
Pipeline maintenance:
Regularly check the paint coating on the exterior of the pipeline and each component. If it peels off severely, please remove rust and repaint.
Perform anti-corrosion work on the buried pipeline to prevent leakage due to corrosion.
3. Safety precautions
During maintenance and maintenance, more than two skilled operators must operate and strictly follow the maintenance operating procedures.
During the maintenance and release process, the surrounding environment should be carefully checked to ensure that there is no open flame. In addition, the operation can only be carried out after the gas is completely released.
After the maintenance work is completed, the maintenance personnel shall record the inspection process and results in the maintenance file of the pressure regulating box (cabinet).
4. Frequency of maintenance and maintenance
Daily inspections should be carried out regularly to ensure the normal operation and safety of the equipment.
The frequency of regular maintenance should be determined according to the gas quality. It is generally recommended to perform it every 3-6 months.
Through the above daily inspection, regular maintenance and safe operation, the service life of Industrial Gas Pressure Regulators can be effectively extended and its safe and reliable operation can be ensured.