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Application of Pressure Gauge

An instrument for measuring fluid pressure. Usually, the measured pressure is compared with a certain reference pressure (such as atmospheric pressure or other given pressure), so that relative pressure or pressure difference is measured. According to different working principles, it can be divided into three types: liquid column type, elastic type and sensor type.
Liquid column pressure gauges, such as U-shaped tube manometers and exhaust pipe manometers, convert pressure signals into liquid column height signals based on the principle of hydrostatics, and often use water, alcohol or mercury as the working medium for pressure measurement. The elastic type, such as the Bourdon tube manometer, converts the pressure signal into the mechanical deformation of the elastic element, and outputs the signal in the form of pointer deflection. This type of pressure gauge is commonly used in industrial systems.
The principle of the pressure sensor is to convert the pressure signal into some kind of electrical signal, such as the strain type, which causes the resistance to change through the deformation of the elastic element; the piezoelectric type, which uses the piezoelectric effect and so on. The liquid column manometer has a simple structure, high sensitivity and accuracy, and is often used to calibrate other types of manometers. The disadvantages are large volume, slow response, and difficulty in automatic measurement.
Elastic pressure gauges are easy to use and have a large range of pressure measurement, but their accuracy is low, and they cannot be measured automatically. All kinds of pressure sensors can be miniaturized, relatively accurate and fast measurement, especially can measure dynamic pressure, realize multi-point roving detection, signal conversion, long-distance transmission, connection with computer, timely processing, etc., so it has been developed rapidly and widely used .